[每周一问]No.2 最常用的镇痛药物—阿片样物质

2005-09-17 00:00 来源:麻醉疼痛专业讨论版 作者:西门吹血
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March 27, 2005[每周一问]No.2 最常用的镇痛药物—阿片样物质

Today we begin a discussion of the most commonly used analgesics in the management of pain, opioids.

1.  What is the difference between the terms opiate and opioid?
2.  Define the terms agonist, partial agonist, mixed agonist/antagonist, and antagonist.
3.  Which are the synthetic and semisynthetic opioids? What is the difference?


1.  常用术语鸦片剂(或阿片类药opiate)与阿片样物质(opioid)的区别?
2.  阿片受体激动剂、部分激动剂、激动/拮抗剂、拮抗剂的定义?
3.  合成与半合成阿片类药物有哪些?不同之处?

[每周一问]No.2 最常用的镇痛药物—阿片样物质


阿片样物质(opioid)指的包括天然的与合成的所有药物,作用于机体的特殊受体,至少产生一些类吗啡样作用;或者作用于那些产生拮抗吗啡作用的受体。这些特殊受体称为阿片受体,包括mu(μ), delta(δ),和kappa(κ)三种亚型(中国还分有σ亚型,但是其是否为阿片受体尚无定论,因为没有找到其内源性配基)。阿片药物分为激动剂、部分激动剂、激动—拮抗剂和拮抗剂。






What is the difference between the terms opiate and opioid?

The term opiate refers to all drugs derived from opium—the juice of the poppy plant. There are more than a dozen distinct alkaloids of opium, and these can be categorized as either phenanthrenes or benzylisoquinolines. The major phenanthrenes are morphine, codeine, and thebaine, and the principal benzylisoquinolines are papaverine and noscapine; all of these could be appropriately called opiates, although papaverine and noscapine do not have morphine-like analgesic properties.
The term opioid refers to all drugs, naturally existing and synthesized, that bind to a group of specific receptors in the body and produces at least some morphine-like effects, or binds to these receptors and antagonizes morphine's effects. These specific receptors are now called opioid receptors and include mu, delta, and kappa subtypes. Opioids can be classified as agonists, partial agonists, agonist-antagonists, and antagonists:

Define the terms agonist, partial agonist, mixed agonist/antagonist, and antagonist.
Agonist  binds to receptor and stimulates the receptor similarly to morphine
Partial Agonist  binds to receptor and stimulates the receptor to a level below that which can be achieved by morphine
Mixed agonist/antagonist  has antagonist effect on certain opioid receptor subtypes while acting as a (partial) agonist on another opioid receptor subtype.
Antagonist  binds to opioid receptor, but does not stimulate receptor and prevents other opioids from binding to the receptor

Which are the synthetic and semisynthetic opioids? What is the difference?

The semisynthetic opioids include the agents that require relatively simple chemical modifications of morphine. These include codeine (methylmorphine) and heroin (diacetylmorphine).
The synthetic opioids are manufactured in vitro rather than by chemical modification of morphine.
Morphine can be created in a laboratory, but is largely not synthesized. This is because it is so easily and inexpensively derived and purified from the poppy plant.

编辑: Zhu

